Sales and Refund Policies

Sales and Refund Policies

As outlined on the Terms and Conditions page of, these are the Sales and Refund Policies of this website.

Sales and Refund Policies:

All sales are final unless specified otherwise. Only sales of specified single payment (non re-occurring) digital (non physical) product(s)/membership(s)/subscription(s)/service(s) made directly through website will qualify for a limited 30 day money back guarantee period in which a full refund, less any shipping and handling charges or restocking fee’s if applicable, may be given. Re-occuring product(s)/membership(s)/subscription(s)/service(s) with a billing cycle of longer that 364 days will also be eligible for a limited 30 day money back guarantee if canceled within the time period as defined here: Where specified to qualify, to receive a refund you must contact us via email to submit a cancelation order request before midnight of the 30th day after your original purchase with the original name and payment information used to set up your enrollment or purchase. No refunds, returns, or exchanges will be given on any charges, re-occuring or the likewise on any product/membership/subscription/service, digital, physical, or otherwise, after 30 days after initial purchase of any product. Any coincidental sales made on any product, digital, physical, or otherwise, through any third parties are between customer/purchaser and those third party providers. and it’s domain owner(s) and registrants are not responsible for refunds, returns or exchanges on any transaction, fee’s, or payments between the customer and any third party occuring either before or after any purchases made from the website.


*Any and all products and or services that are billed on a re-occurring basis (including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, etc.) of less than 365 days between billing cycles do not qualify for and are NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE COVERED UNDER OR RECEIVE ANY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. However, any re-occuring product/membership/subscription/service that has a billing cycle of longer that 364 days WILL be eligible for a limited 30 day money back guarantee if canceled within the 30 day period as outlined above.

-Ala Carte Resume Assessment: All sales are final for single order resume assessments.

-Diamond Level Private Enrollment: A refund must be requested BEFORE THE SECOND SKYPE SESSION IS SCHEDULED or BEFORE 30 DAYS AFTER INITIAL PURCHASE, whichever occur first. Once the second skype session is scheduled or after 30 days, whichever occur first, all sales are considered final and no refunds will be offered on the Diamond Level Private Enrollment.

By completing a purchase of any product(s), subscription(s), membership(s) and or service(s) that is/are billed on any reoccurring basis (including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, etc.) you (the customer/purchaser) agree to be contracted to pay any and all ongoing re-occurring charges due at the predetermined intervals as detailed during checkout until you (the customer/purchaser) terminate your agreement via cancelation. This agreement contracts you to pay in full all charges due until cancelation at which time of cancelation DOES NOT ENTITLE YOU (THE CUSTOMER/PURCHASER) TO ANY REFUNDS FROM ANY PAST BILLING STATEMENTS OR CYCLES (including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually).

Re-occuring Payments:

Enrollment into the weekly membership subscription(s) (if available) will be billed on the 7th day after initial purchase/enrollment and every 7 days there after. This is considered an ongoing training program and you will continue to be billed indefinitely until you (the customer/purchaser) cancel your membership/subscription/product/service. No refunds will be given on any charges, re-occuring or the likewise, that may have occurred if the product/membership/subscription/service is less than 364 days in billing cycle duration. If you wish to cancel your membership at anytime you can do so via the billing website portal sent in the receipt email after your initial purchase(s) by clicking on the “cancel” button in your account settings page.

Enrollment into monthly membership subscription(s) (if available) will be billed on the 30th day after initial purchase/enrollment and every 30 days there after. This is considered an ongoing training program and you will continue to be billed indefinitely until you (the customer/purchaser) cancel your membership/subscription/product/service. No refunds will be given on any charges, re-occuring or the likewise, that may have occurred if the product/membership/subscription/service is less than 364 days in billing cycle duration. If you wish to cancel your membership at anytime you can do so via the billing website portal sent in the receipt email after your initial purchase(s) by clicking on the “cancel” button in your account settings page.

Enrollment into yearly membership subscription(s) (if available) will be billed on the 365th day after initial purchase/enrollment and every 365 days there after. This is considered an ongoing training program and you will continue to be billed indefinitely until you (the customer/purchaser) cancel your membership/subscription/product/service. No refunds will be given on any charges, re-occuring or the likewise after 30 days after initial purchase of any product/membership/subscription/service over 364 days in billing cycle duration. If you wish to cancel your membership at anytime you can do so via the billing website portal sent in the receipt email after your initial purchase(s) by clicking on the “cancel” button in your account settings page.

How to cancel your re-occuring membership subscription(s): By clicking on the “cancel” button in your account settings page via the billing website link specified in the purchase receipt email(s), you (the customer/purchaser) understand that you can execute a full cancelation to terminate your product(s), subsription(s), membership(s), or service(s) to end any future re-occurring charges. Cancellation will take effect immediately. Membership subscriptions are not pro-rated and membership access will cease to be granted effective immediately after cancellation. As stated above; Any and all products and or services that are billed on a re-occurring basis (including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, etc.) of less than 365 days between billing cycles do not qualify for and are NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE COVERED UNDER OR RECEIVE ANY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

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Sales and Refund Policies